"I'm All Right John" - A Sequel to The Court of the Red Tar, inspired by the classic British Comedy "I'm All Right Jack".
It will be recalled that "The Court of the Red Tsar" last encountered its heroes and heroines on board the Battleship Prescottin, and that news is awaited from the "listening devices" installed by the security services (or secret police) at Stonehenge.
However, at this point there occurs a strange cosmic event, and Britain is mysteriously plunged back into the middle part of the 20th century. This is not without problems : all modern IT infrastructure disappears, so there is no blogging. Nevertheless, there are many benefits. Opportunities for political spin are much reduced, and real policies are a necessity once more.
Whilst there is no motorway network, rail and public transport services are remarkably good.
By present day standards. many British cities, and notably Birmingham, look much better.
There are also fewer people.
The lives of our earlier heroes and heroines are also much transformed. Brownin is a minister of the Scottish Church. Prescottin is chief steward on board a British merchant ship. Livingstonsky is keeper of the reptile house at London zoo. Comrade Terry is a Liverpool docker. Madame Kellyrova is a hospital matron, and Madame Cooperova a primary school teacher. The rebel leader, Cameronovitch, is a country squire; and, the head of the security services is chief constable of the Metropolitan police. Will their paths cross again : that is indeed the question...
And the answer is "yes" ! The only exceptions to this are Brownin (Gordon Brown - no relationship to the present Chancellor of the Execheque), Livinstonsky (now Ken Livingstone - no relation to the current Mayor of London), and the Chief Constable of the Metropolitan Police.
However, we will meet them again.
I'm All Right John
Prescottin (now John Prescott - no relation to the present Deputy Prime Minister) has retired from seafaring and is chief shop steward in a food processing factory. His deputy, Comrade Terry ( ..) has moved from Liverpool to Hull, where the action mainly takes place. John prescott is married to Madame Kellyrova (now Mrs Ruth Prescott, who is a housewife) and Madam Cooperova is their daughter (Yvette Prescott). David Camerson (no relation to the present leader of the Conservative Party) is a management trainee at the factory where Prescott works, and lodges with the Prescotts - where he takes a fancy to Yvette - in order to obtain a better understanding of the British working man and his equally hard-wroking family.
Incidentally, a very good synopsis of "I'm All Right Jack" can be found on the British Film Institute website
To be continued.